Categorie: # Proiecte Europene


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Global Dignity Day

Global Dignity Day România 2011 “In a world where it seems no one agrees on anything; a world where politics divide, where religion divides, and where race and even cultural borders seem to divide, dignity is something that everyone can agree on.” Acesta a fost mottoul care a dat idea proiectului „Global Dignity Day”, fondat …
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(2012-2014) T.I.M.E.

(2012-2014) T.I.M.E   Intalnire la Bucuresti, Romania   Intalnire la Elblag, Polonia Intalnire la Istanbul, Turcia Intalnire la Lincoln, UK Intalnire la Puchov, Slovacia Intalnire la Pyhäjoki și Lammi, Finlanda    
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Comenius (2001-2004) „Communiquer par les arts"    (2005-2008) „Images des jeunes / Jeunes dans les images"   (2011) ,,Making science more attractive''  
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